CM – Find the Flags – JUST FOR FUN!!


How are your PE challenges coming along?

I have had some results in from our classmates.

Adrian and Aryamann have performed the ‘corde a sauter’ challenge 100 times. Adrian did the equilibre/balancing challenge.

Simon, Digby and Axel in CE2 have done the Human Alphabet.

Don’t forget to update me in the comments below.

FLAGS MATCH UP – these are all of the countries participating in the PE challenge. Can you match the flags up with the country names?

  1. First Round – try as many as you can without help.
  2. Second Round – ask a brother, sister, parent, didi or dai to help.
  3. Tell us how many you got in the comments.
  4. Third Round – use a book or the internet if you must.

International Online Sports’ Meet!

From Monday 6th to Friday 11th April, hundreds of French schools and thousands of children will take part in an enormous PE meeting.

Choose five of the nine sports listed – it is in French so maybe you lot can help me to understand what each challenge is.

The files below contain descriptions of each challenge.

Read the instructions carefully. Choose your challenges carefully.

When you have completed your challenge, send me your points – each challenge tells you how to score yourself. Don’t forget to get brothers, sisters, parents or guardians involved to time you and to take a photograph.

Send those to me and I will add up our school scores! Good luck!

PE – A new challenge!

So how are we going to do this?

Ok Team CM! Friday is a PE day. Now that we’re all at home, we’ve got the added challenge of keeping fit without la grande cour to run around in…. But do not despair! I’ve got a couple of ideas that should keep us all nice and active.

I propose we still keep our Race to Sagarmatha going. There are two options for us to keep running. Option A – If you have a garden, measure how far it is from one end to the other – eg one lap = 20m – and then count your laps. Option B – If you don’t have a garden or yard to run in, let’s work work out some equivalent exercises so we can all still contribute to the race. For example – 20 squats = 20m.

I propose this formula – ONE thirty minute PE lesson with Joe = running for 250 metres.

If you can prove to me today that you did PE with Joe from 14.45 until 15.15 (I’ve had one video of two students doing PE already) then we can move our chart along a few kilometres. Right now, we’re almost at ‘Toys R Us’ in Bangkok.

Now, if you have any suggestions for exercises we could do in place of running – please add them in the comments box below – with a photograph of your demonstrating the exercise, of course!

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